Thursday, May 23, 2013


So, here is where I try to get you to drink the Kool Aid!  Just kidding!  But no really, ready?

I'm only a week or so in so check back with me in a few weeks and see how I feel then.  :)

But within that first week I was singing the praises of this plan!

So, Jenna stop rambling, and tell us what it is!  Okay.

The Whole30 is 30 days of removing certian foods from you diet completely to see how it will impact your health and fitness. 
Eat real food - meat, eggs, tons of veggies, some fruit, and plenty of good fats from fruits, oils, nuts and seeds. 
That sounds nice in theory but here is the reality:
You CAN'T have:
Sugar of any kind
No alcohol
No grains :(
No legumes
No dairy
THEN after those 30 days, you reintroduce each category into your diet one at a time and see how it affects you.  You may have an intolerance to dairy that was making your energy level plummet or legumes inflamed that pesky tendonistis.  Who knows 'til you try it!

First week results:

Honest engine confessions:  I haven't cut out sugars entirely, I've had a G2 everyday. 

I was tired, for sure!  But within the first couple days I could see - so could JD - a difference in my mid section, I'm kicking myself for not snapping before pics.  Pants fit different y'all!!!  It's been a flipping week!
The book says to breakup with your scale, well, I'm stubborn.  5 POUNDS -GONE- 1 WEEK!!!

But the tired isn't insurmountable the results were enough to make me get up.

 I thought going into it that I would spend forever in the kitchen, NO, the recipes I've made are 20 minute prep tops. 
JD has been onboard and quite supportive and that's been a huge help.  Thanks babe!

I've gone to the gym twice, three times, by myself, without my workout buddy, which is a huge step in itself! 
My appetite has vanished.  I have to remind myself to eat.  Although that has also negatively impacted my water intake, I've been trying to be better on that. 

Yesterday I asked JD to take care of dinner knowing that he was ready for a good food break and he would end up going the fast food route ALSO knowing I would be in real world situations where I would have to make the "food that would make me healthier vs the food that would make me less healthy" choice.

So, he suggested the joint in the mall that has those super steak gyros, which we both adore, and are 98% bad for you.  So, he got one of those and went to Chick Fil A for me.  I picked the Cobb Salad - it didn't have blueberries on it, who puts BBs on their salads?  It did have cheese but I did the best I could to pick around it, but didn't get crazy. 

My sleep - Our family was usually in bed AT 8pm and asleep by 8:30-45.   But now I am awake until 10 precisely and then I usually beat my alarm awake by 15 minutes or so and I sleep GOOD.  Now if we could just talk P into that!  8 Hours, BAM!

So, there is my first week results.
I would like to thank my sister for introducing me to this!  You can see her awesome results from her Challenge here! 

Crap, there was one other thing I wanted to tell you but I can't remember. 
I suppose it has failed to help my memory.

Hope everyone has a fantastic Memorial Day!  Have Fun!

Monday, May 20, 2013

B-O-R-I-N-G-O and boring was our weekend-oh!

I've got to stop jammin to kids songs so much.  I speak in Suess rhyming patterns and make songs out of spelling words.  It's getting out of hand and she's only 8 months old (almost)

So, Saturday consisted of another trip to the grocery store.  This eating whole is expensive.  But the way my pants fit on Sunday vs. Friday - hells yes! I will pay those grocery bills!
sidebar:  eating plan is going fantastic - I plan to be Paleo for life!  The way my belly feels and looks (in 5 days!)  is amazing!  More on trying to convert you all to my new life style later!
It was super hot Saturday so before we headed out to PaPa's for BBQ and horse racing (thanks Mylute for costing me money!) I thought we would swim.  So, I got out the little pool and thought, if only I had a big tank that spits out air to blow this up for me!  Oh, wait, that's right, I DO!  My husband thought he NEEEEEEDED an air compressor.  Which I conceeded was a very useful tool and we would get much use out of it.  So, off he goes and brings it home.  But wait, it doesn't come with a hose!!!  So, we've had this useful tank sitting in the garage for a couple weeks now, sans hose!  So, think pic below is me being a good mommy blowing up the pool while being annoyed at that useless tank.

And here you can see us "swimming" I told her that's what this was called.  Bad mommy.    It was just too hot and I was too tired from my new eating life style.  Are you conviced to join me yet? jk.

And this crazy little nugget went to sleep in her own bed (said to the tune of this little piggie)  for a whopping 15 minutes before she wanted to get up and play.  I just adore that face.  Those eyes couldn't smile more if she tried!  Don't be mad momma, let's sing a song! 

Sunday was made for Target runs.  Then the p-diddy and I went to our friend, Natalie's, baby Presslyn's shower!  I wondered if she would have stranger danger anxiety there, but nope, she went straight to some of my friends, no problem!  And then she was fine with the nice lady who we sat with holding her.  Weirdo.  I think everyone had a great time and Nat looked beautiful! 
They had a couple talented photographers there snapping pics and everyone wanted to take pics of the photogenic baby!  So, I CAN'T WAIT to see some of those!  It was nice not being the photog like normal!  
I hope everyone has a great week!   

Friday, May 17, 2013

I thought I was on top of this blog stuff.

I was WRONG. 

So very very wrong.

But alas, here I am.  With some very blurry pics.  Maybe once I publish it will be better but if not, sorry.  You get what I give you! :)  jk jk - please come back!

So, we've done some stuff and celebrated my very first mommy day. 

So, without further ado, here is a collection of photos to catch you up, in no particular order.

Our mommy day dresses!

I didn't get to wear this outfit to the horse races so, I had to wear it sometime, and this was a perfect reason!!!

the pots I made for my mom and Aunt Sharon for mom day. 

My techie.

Mrs. Lindsay got us a mushroom pool!  She was enthralled with the box!  Can't wait to use it this weekend!

So, we do not care for our plastic baby spoons, your metal utensil is what we want!  We also don't want that gross baby food anymore.  Give me what you have, NOW!!!  What is so exciting about my plate vs. your plate, Peyton???

Cleaned UP at Old Navy!  3 shirts, 3 cardigans a dress and a pair of pants for $53  (and the pants were $27 - so you do the math! ) 

These bloomers are too cute!  My mom bought them for her when she was a minute old, now they fit!

She signed her own name!!! don't judge her penmanship, she's only 7.5 months old, for Pete's sake!

My first mother's day bouquet from JD!

My momma made me this adorable growth chart for P, it's precious!

So, we've started the Whole30 challenge, hardcore paleo, for 30 days.  More to come later on that.  Last nights dindin.  Meatball in marinara, sauteed shrooms, and a spinach salad, there are other goodies under that pile.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Check me out!

It's Sunday night folks, not 2pm on Tuesday, are you proud?  I certainly am!

We had a nice weekend.  Saturday was our Arthritis walk and it was fantastic.  P was the best behaved 7 month old and enjoyed herself thoroughly.  I guess I need to do it more often, huh?
While we were walking, JD was a busy guy installing that toilet!  (and he picked up the house - he gets full credit for all his work Saturday morning)   It did get done and it's... I don't know what adjective to use here... it's a toilet.  But he did a good job!
Afterwards, an old friend of JD's came by to visit from Mason, then Beth came by to see the baby (not us)!  Wrapped up that day with a whole lotta laziness.  I guess walking a 5k makes me tired. 

Sunday morning started off with P and I going back to bed, we were both cranky and not ready to face the world.  We woke up much better.  Did some housework, ate basketti for lunch, and then headed out to Papa's to play with cousin Paisley.  I think Peyton would love a big barn of her own to walker around in!  Then we came home to celebrate Cinco de Mayo with a giant batch of awesome guac and pizza.

I hope everyone had a relaxing weekend! 

I'm in love with this little pose and outfit!

This is her ready for the walk! 

The Glaves!

P and her TyTy playing rocket ship at the finish line!

Me and the crazy Zai man!
Only in Texas do they provide a full fledged BBQ lunch after you've just ran/walked a 5k.   But it was yummy, I ain't complaining.
Linds' fave past time.  But when you have her abs you can eat whatever you feel like!

Zai says hi to Luigi  - I cringed from the other side of the picnic table

And this was her afterwards.  She snored through me hauling her into SAMs Club and all the way home.  All that walking wore her out!

So, I shouldn't be shocked when my child refuses to eat her pureed baby food because I do stupid stuff like this and give her spaghetti and broccoli and let her go to town!  Who would want mashed up crap when this was the alternative.  I get it baby, but let's get you a few more teeths.

There she is.  Her majesty, in all her glory. 

Happy Cinco de Mayo!!!  We celebrated by making a vat of guac and ordering pizza. 

And we wrapped up a perfect weekend with Miss P falling asleep in her own bed within minutes just like a big girl!!!  And then she woke up 45 minutes later because she was lonely  - and hungry - she chugged an 8 oz bottle!   But hey, it's a step, right!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Poor Little Poo Covered Kitty

Heart wrenching poo covered kitty. 

Remember that scene in Shrek when Puss in Boots makes his eyes HUGE and looks so innocent and sad to get his way?
Well, driving to work on Wednesday, minding my own business, I see some small white debris in the middle of the road, no biggie, so I align my tires to straddle it.  At the very last minute small tiny road trash looks up at me with those Puss in Boots eyes.  Well, crap!  How am I supposed to help this kitty on my way to work with a baby in the car?  Well, there was no saying no to those eyes.  So, I bust a u-e (sp?) and pull up to the kitty.  I jog over and see that it is injured and happened to be covered in poo.  Awesome.  Now what, Jenna?
So I pinch the scruff of her (I decided it was a girl) neck between my fingers and carried her over to the green grassy area, set her down, told her that her mommy would come find her and jogged back to my waiting car & baby.  Well, then they crying starts.  I always forget how LOUD teeny tiny kitties can be.  MEOW!  MEOW!  That little thing is screaming while hauling tail following me.  You're supposed to be injured, remember?

By the time I get into my car, that little bugger has caught up to me and is sitting below my window crying.  So, I thought maybe she'll be too tired to do it again. So I carry her a little further this time, set her down, told her to stay and jogged back.  Rinse and repeat.  So, after the third time, I didn't know what to do.  I had nothing to put her in in the car.  And I had P and there wasn't any way I was just going set it in the back seat.  She could have rabies for all I know.
So, I think there has to be a plan in place for this tiny baby and I drive away.  (I'm an awful awful heartless person, I know)
But just as I did another lady came upon the situation and I stayed and we talked and she decided to take it with her. 
Tah-dah.  See plan in place for that damn determined manipulative little kitty!

Our big plans for this weekend... toilet & baseboards!  Peyton and I will be participating in the Walk for Arthritis tomorrow which I think will be fun for us both! And that's about it! 

Hope everyone has a fantastical weekend!

Let's see if it gets put in this weekend!  Who is taking the bets?

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Better late than never, right?

We took a mini vaca over to East Texas to see the fam.  JD's family owns a cabin on a private lake in Athens where we did some porch sittin, visitin, napping, fishing and relaxing!  Fun was had by all as evidenced below:

This is what is staring at me when I woke up in the back seat.  Creepy.  She was awesome on the 6 hour ride up there!  Only had to stop once to stretch it out!

I don't know who Johnnie Jumper is but I LOVE him.  She was happy as a clam in this thing for hours! 

See, clam happy.

The life vest was NOT a hit.  At first licking and trying to eat it was entertainment enough but after the first few minutes she was done. 

She could have cared less about the boat, lake or the fish dad caught.

said fish.

We celebrated her 7 month birthday while we were there with a cupcake.  She also LOVED that!

I made JD stop and go back so I could take this picture.  How could you pass this up?  Perfection!

These were the blue bonnets there at our lake.  Gorge.

and this was the ride home.  little different from the ride up there.  but we made it!

We love getting to visit with Uncle KC before he heads back out to sea.

I don't know why but I loved this daddy daughter silhouette picture.

She is such a ham, that she is throwing a fit here and whining loudly (resembles a fake cry) but she manages to make those ugly noises while smiling when I hold my phone up!  FAKER.