Monday, May 20, 2013

B-O-R-I-N-G-O and boring was our weekend-oh!

I've got to stop jammin to kids songs so much.  I speak in Suess rhyming patterns and make songs out of spelling words.  It's getting out of hand and she's only 8 months old (almost)

So, Saturday consisted of another trip to the grocery store.  This eating whole is expensive.  But the way my pants fit on Sunday vs. Friday - hells yes! I will pay those grocery bills!
sidebar:  eating plan is going fantastic - I plan to be Paleo for life!  The way my belly feels and looks (in 5 days!)  is amazing!  More on trying to convert you all to my new life style later!
It was super hot Saturday so before we headed out to PaPa's for BBQ and horse racing (thanks Mylute for costing me money!) I thought we would swim.  So, I got out the little pool and thought, if only I had a big tank that spits out air to blow this up for me!  Oh, wait, that's right, I DO!  My husband thought he NEEEEEEDED an air compressor.  Which I conceeded was a very useful tool and we would get much use out of it.  So, off he goes and brings it home.  But wait, it doesn't come with a hose!!!  So, we've had this useful tank sitting in the garage for a couple weeks now, sans hose!  So, think pic below is me being a good mommy blowing up the pool while being annoyed at that useless tank.

And here you can see us "swimming" I told her that's what this was called.  Bad mommy.    It was just too hot and I was too tired from my new eating life style.  Are you conviced to join me yet? jk.

And this crazy little nugget went to sleep in her own bed (said to the tune of this little piggie)  for a whopping 15 minutes before she wanted to get up and play.  I just adore that face.  Those eyes couldn't smile more if she tried!  Don't be mad momma, let's sing a song! 

Sunday was made for Target runs.  Then the p-diddy and I went to our friend, Natalie's, baby Presslyn's shower!  I wondered if she would have stranger danger anxiety there, but nope, she went straight to some of my friends, no problem!  And then she was fine with the nice lady who we sat with holding her.  Weirdo.  I think everyone had a great time and Nat looked beautiful! 
They had a couple talented photographers there snapping pics and everyone wanted to take pics of the photogenic baby!  So, I CAN'T WAIT to see some of those!  It was nice not being the photog like normal!  
I hope everyone has a great week!   

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