Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Why Oh Why Wednesday?

Were you raised in a barn?

Let me start by saying, I don't take issue with the actual act of fingernail clipping.  It's necessary.

However, I do CRINGE & GAG and run down the hall when the men in my office do it.  My ears are tuned to ear that very specific sound of Clip.  Clip.   Clip.  And off I go to find refuge.  Shutting my door only amplifies the sound.  I've tried. 

I can sit on my couch next to my husband who is clipping his nails.  No biggie.

So, what's my beef with this? 
I think it stems from the fact that I happened upon one of the offenders office's once to find a pile of clippings that he had collected just hanging out on his desk.  Hours after I had heard the offensive noise.  If you are going to keep control of them, control them right into the trash can.
EW. Gross. GAG ME!

Doesn't help that one of the guys let's his grow super long before he takes action.
 Then I just have to think about these dudes sitting there just waiting for me to see them. 
Getting nauseous just thinking about it.

I understand chips happen.  Sometimes that one snaggy part needs to be gone.  I get it.  I shut my door, turn up my radio and cough when I Clip.
But why wait until your place of employment to clip all 10?  Do that at home, animals!

Am I wrong here, y'all?

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