Friday, April 12, 2013

Friday Letters

Happy Friday!  We made it!  Lots going on this weekend!  Gotta finish the floor, wanna hit the trade days, gotta hit the grocery store, clean my nasty habitat, and all those other wifey duties.  Maybe I don't want it to be Friday.  Just kidding!  Blasphemy!
I hope you all have a fantastic weekend! 

Dear Tanning Booth Designers-

My legs and arms are SEVEN shades lighter than my abs (orlackthereof)  midsection.  I'm officially one tan away from being certifiably African American in that region.  I tried to wrap a towel around me but that just left funky lines.  Linds and I have discussed going in together and sitting in chairs while we stick our legs in - I think this would be a brilliant marketing strategy, half clothed group tanning!   Why haven't you fixed this issue?  Get on it!

Dear IRS Waiters -

I get it, it's April 12th and you need to congregate outside the IRS building, but guess what, the IRS isn't the only company to occupy this building.  I feel like you all are the paparazzi and I'm a Kardashian (okay, maybe I like feeling important.. so maybe just bring cameras and harass me a bit and then all would be awesome) or just  Back off!  Also, gentlemen, I know it's 7am and you probably just got out of the shower, but wow, calm down on the cologne.  I can still smell you lingering on my clothes while I sit at my desk. 

Thanks for your consideration,

Dear fellow new parents and FB friends -

Due to the fact that I'm a new parent and I have no life, the only way I keep up with a social world is through Facebook and I find it hilarious yet sad that I kind of want to go to Crudefest this weekend.  But that would mean getting an overnight babysitter.  And if I get an overnight babysitter I would feel the need to utilize my time WAY better than seeing K-Fow AGAIN.  I would just rather SLEEP!  Ya feel me?  So, someone said it best on Facebook when she said, well, can't go to Crudefest so I might as well go to Stanton Trade Days!  The times, they are a changin'    See ya there girl!


Wishing sunshine and super cute shades for everyone this weekend!

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