Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Why oh Why Wednesday - Why can't I find time to blog?

Serioulsy y'all - I've been carrying my fancy new laptop to bed with me the last couple nights thinking I can get 15 minutes of typing in before I pass out. 

But NO.

I think Peyt has a built in sensor that goes off just as I'm about to be productive.  Quick!  She's napping!  Do the dishes and throw together a superficial blog.  ('Cause let's face it my brain has no time or energy to be profound.)
But then, BAM, eyes fly open and the whinning begins! 
I'm going to have to employ a babysitter just to type. 

Alternative solution:
Maybe, just maybe, I should try staying up later than 8:30. 

Surely, my body doesn't need 9 hours of sleep.  But that's what time the hubs and baby go to sleep and since I was a young wart hog (you know I sang that - I watched LK this weekend) I have a had a dibilitating fear of being alone.  Not in a lonely way, just in a, hey guys, what are you all doing in the living room while I'm stuck in my room kind of way.  I blame my mother.  When I was little my mom wouldn't leave my side.  I always had someone with me.  Traditional first kid syndrome.  But it's followed me into adulthood and now I'm having to put forth effort to be alone.  I don't like it.  Hence the reason that I'm reading (audiobook listening - only while tanning & working out so it lasts longer) Mindy Kaling's, Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (and other concerns).  It's so funny!  I love her.  I think we would make excellent friends.  I've already started mimicing her sentence structures.  We're destined to be BFFs.

Moral to this blog, I'll try to do better.  A couple nights a week I will stay up for a few extra mintues to throw together some of my random thoughts for your viewing pleasure.  
And go read Min's book so we can all be friends.

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